What The Unsaved Have

The Bible lists several things that unsaved people definitely have. As we read down through the list, we soon discover that these are not the most desirous things to have. However, at the very end we have God’s alternative. Beginning at the top of the list, we find that the unsaved person has: . . . ————————————- This tract is available for a contribution of $1.00 per 100 plus postage. This tract is available in the following languages: English Actual printed color may differ. Order Here

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Warranted For Life

When a product is purchased, it often comes with a warranty, the terms of which may vary. The warranty may be good for a 30, 60, or 90 day period or even as long as 1-year or more and cover such things as parts and labor. But, the warranty is only as good as its underwriter or broker, no matter how good the terms of thewarranty may be. For example, let’s say you bought something that had an unconditional, lifetime warranty. Alas, the item begins to develop problems, so you try to use the warranty to have it repaired, only to find out that there was a “fine print”…

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Time & Eternity

“What’s the hurry? I have plenty of time,” someone may say. Alas though, as he lingers, timecontinues to march on, at a snail’s pace, but nonetheless, continuing onward. Time – though not seen, still it exists; though not heard, yet its presence is felt, for all experience it. Timemay be measured by clocks and calendars, but it cannot be harnessed nor restrained. Though the clocks may be stopped, the seconds continue to pass by, unimpeded. As time advances onward, its course never changing, eternity awaits its arrival. Eternity – it has no beginning or end, for it is infinite. In the eternal state, time has no meaning, for it…

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The Verdict Is In

If someone would have asked me 15 years ago to describe a “born again” person, I would have given the example of a phony, self-righteous person who, after “getting religion,” would use the title to somehow vindicate himself from any wrong doing and excuse his behavior. The moment I became “born again,” however, I realized what the term truly meant: that I was eternally forgiven from all my sins and I had a right standing before God. And I know it! And it’s Biblical! And it’s imperative! . . . ————————————- This tract is available for a contribution of $2.00…

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The Symbol Of Freedom

In New York harbor, standing on approximately ten acres of land, is the Statue of Liberty. Standing there with her torch raised up to the sky, she greets all who would enter New York harbor. To the United States of America and the world, the Statue of Liberty is a symbol of freedom. Nearly two thousand years ago on a hill called Mount Calvary stood a cross, an instrument of death for criminals. In time it became a symbol of death. No doubt many crosses were erected on Calvary on which many people died. But on this one “special” cross…

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The Price Of A Soul

DOWN through the ages there have been many items that man has termed as being “priceless,” or invaluable. Priceless objects have a variety of forms. For instance, to a stamp collector a certain stamp is so rare that it is “priceless.” To a coin collector a certain coin is so rare that it is “priceless.” To the art collector a certain piece of art, and to a book collector a certain book, and so on. In some cases a person will risk everything, even his own life to obtain that “priceless” object. Perhaps the most universal and cherished “priceless” object of all…

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The Maze Of Life

Have you ever tried to do a maze puzzle? It’s one of those puzzles where you go in one end, and try to find the way out. You go way, only to find a dead end, so you try another, sometimes backtracking in an effort find the correct route. There’s only one way through the maze and you have to try every option available. Well, here you are, in this “maze” of life seeking the source of true contentment and happiness. You’ve already tried other routes, all of which ended with disappointment and a dead end. “Another route,” you say…

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The Halloween Celebration

The average American today, when talking of Halloween, thinks of a children’s holiday where all the children get dressed up and go door to door asking for candy. The folks who answer the door usually have comments like, “Oh, what a cute superhero!” or “Ooh, what a scary ghost!” thinking all the while that there is nothing wrong with this yet another “American” holiday. But do you know how Halloween got started? Let me give you a brief history. Halloween was started by the Celts, who celebrated their New Year on November 1st. A festival was held the evening before,…

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The Greatest Tragedy

THE GREATEST TRAGEDY, what could that be? Could it be the sinking of the Titanic? No, that is not it even though it was a great tragedy. How about World War I and then a few years later World War II? Certainly these were great tragedies with the loss of so many lives. The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and the American dropping of the atomic bomb on and Hiroshima brought untold destruction and death, and as bad as it was, it was not the greatest tragedy. The senseless murder of 6 million innocent Jews by the Hitler regime was…

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The Gift Of Life

Did you know that there are thousands of people whose life is fleeting for want of an organ transplant? They wait, and wait, and wait, wondering if the gift of life they so desperately need will ever come, and will it come in time? One person may be suffering from kidney failure, while another needs a liver or other transplant. Someone dies in one state and his organs are donated – the recipient of this gift of life may live in the same state, or another state. With great urgency the desperately needed organ is transported to the recipient! The majority of the time…

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