Do you know or understand what baptism is all about? Surprisingly enough, there are many people who do not. This particular Gospel tract from Pilgrim Fundamental Baptist Press explains what baptism is, from a scriptural viewpoint. Here are a few lines from the tract; “The word “baptize” comes from the Greek word “bapto” which means “to whelm, i.e. cover wholly with a fluid.”  Baptism properly defined means to be completely submerged, as in being totally covered. In Christianity when we say that a person has been “baptized”, we are saying that, that person has been completely immersed in water. We call this a “believer’s baptism.” Such baptism may have taken place in a church baptistry, a lake, pond, river, or a swimming pool, but it was ALWAYS a complete immersion. A complete immersion is the only type taught in the Word of God, thus making invalid all other forms of so-called baptisms. To be “baptized” by sprinkling is of man and not of God; to claim otherwise is to claim an authority higher than God’s Word; such an authority has its origin in Satan himself for there is NO AUTHORITY higher than God’s Word.
A person may have been baptized in the scriptural manner, but that does not mean that he or she was a scriptural candidate for baptism. So then, let’s take a brief, closer look at scriptural baptism as taught by the Word of God.
First of all, baptism has NOTHING to do with saving a person (as in getting saved, born again) or keeping them saved (as in eternal security).”

The finished size of this tract is approximately 3.5 x 5.5 and is 6-pages with a double fold when folded. It is available from Pilgrim Fundamental Baptist Press for a contribution of $2.00 per 100 copies, plus postage.