The following is from the Gospel tract, “Have You Been Born Again?”: “THE question is not, “Are you a member of a church?”, or “Have you been     baptized?”. The question is, Have You Been Born-Again? There’s a vast difference between being born-again and having membership in a church, or having been baptized. Church membership does not make one a Christian any more than working in a garage makes one a vehicle, and baptism has no saving merit whatsoever. Just as a physical birth was necessary for you to come into this world, so, too, a spiritual birth is required for you to go to Heaven. That’s what being “born-again” means – to have experienced a spiritual birth. According to God’s Word, the Bible, before anyone can go to Heaven he or she must be born-again, “…Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” (Jn. 3:3).”

As you can see from the opening lines of this tract, it gets right to the point about what it means to be born again. The tracts shares enough Scripture reference to support what is said; this is from God’s Word and NOT mans opinion.

This Gospel tract is available from Pilgrim Fundamental Baptist Press for a contribution of $1.00 per 100 copies, plus postage. It is available in the following languages: English, French, Portuguese, Spanish, Russian, Greenlandic, Samoan, Ilocano, Tagalog, Korean, Danish.