Is it possible for a person to be so wicked that he or she cannot be saved? NOT according to God’s Word! The Bible has much to say about a person being saved or born again as we call it. This particular Gospel tract, “Salvation and Eternal Security” addresses this issue. Here is a portion from the tract, ” “Can I be saved from my sins? And if I do get saved, what happens if I sin again? Will I lose my salvation?” Have you ever had these questions, or similar ones on your mind? Did you know that it is possible for any person to know how to be saved, and then to have the assurance of that salvation and eternal security (eternal salvation)? That’s right! You can know right now how to be saved for all eternity. Want to know? Good! Here’s how.
The Bible says that we are all sinners by birth and in deed, and that we need to be saved. (Ro. 5:12) We stand in need of salvation. But there’s just one problem – we cannot do anything to save ourselves. No one else can save us since they, like us, are sinners standing in need of salvation. (Ro. 3:10) They’re in the same predicament as you and I! But salvation is possible and available because God provided a means whereby a sinner can be saved. How is this possible? . . .”

This Gospel tract is available for $1.00 per 100 copies, plus postage and is available in English, Czech, Spanish, Russian, and Polish.