Romans Road

The Romans Road is an old road; construction on it was begun about six thousand years ago. Approximately two thousand years ago it was completed. Yes, the Romans Road is an old road, and it’s a famous one, too. Since construction on this road began, people from all walks of life have been traveling it. No, not everyone has traveled the whole length of it. Some of those who began the trip died on the way (accidents, war, suicide, illnesses, etc.), others were enticed to use another road, and still others didn’t care about the trip. However, there have been…

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Real Peace In A Troubled World

The Berlin wall has come down, and the Communist barbed wire and guard posts are gone. We are told that Communism is dead, and that those countries and people once under Communist rule are now free. We’re told that the world is at peace, so they say. The truth of the matter is that the world is NOT at peace. In 1994 American armed forces were sent to Haiti. In Rwanda Hutu and Tutu slaughtered each other. In Bosnia the country is destroyed by ethnic fighting. Iraq rattles its war sabers while Israelis are being shot at by their foes…

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It is an interesting adventure to visit various cemeteries, especially those with very old grave markers. As one surveys the cemetery and reads the names and dates on the markers, he is brought face-to-face with the reality that one day life as we know it will be over, and that death is no respecter of persons. Sooner or later death comes to the rich and poor, famous and infamous, learned and ignorant, young and old. The beckoning call of death comes when least expected. Reading the inscriptions on the grave markers one may see the initials “R.I.P.” which mean “Rest…

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WHAT does it mean to grant a pardon? Perhaps a definition of the word will help us to understand it a little better. Websters New World Dictionary defines pardon as: “(1) to release from punishment; not punish for crimes or offenses (2) to cancel or not exact penalty for (an offense); forgive (3) to excuse or forgive (a person) for some minor fault, discourtesy, etc.” A pardon, then, does not remove the guilt or declare that the offense never happened, but rather it (the pardon) forgives the offender and thereby releases that person from the penalty so justly deserved. The true story is told of two criminals…

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One Way

A number of years ago while serving in the U.S. Army, I was stationed at Arlington Hall Station in Arlington, Va. During that time I was the non-Commissioned Officer in charge of local procurement. The duties of this position required travel into the local towns for the purchase of certain items. The cities of Alexandria, Va. and Washington, D.C. can be very troublesome to the driver who is not familiar with the streets. And just to make driving all the worse, there were those ‘oft familiar’ “One Way” signs. There were times when it seemed almost impossible to get from one place…

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No Time For God

Busy, busy, busy! People everywhere are just so busy and they have no time for God. For the young person the attitude is, “Please, I am too young and, besides, I have my whole life to live. Perhaps later I will have time for God.” But the Bible says, “Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth” (Ecclesiastes 12:1) As the years pass by and college is entered, there is still no time for God. “Please, not now! I am so busy studying and working my way through college that I have no time for God. That will have to wait until afterwards.” College graduation passes…

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Members Only

“Discrimination! I’m being discriminated against!” More and more we are hearing this cry, or one similar to it. Boys want to be allowed to play on an all-girl team, and girls insist on being accepted on an otherwise all-male team. Organizations and clubs that were traditionally all-male have been ordered by the courts to accept women into their ranks. More and more exclusion from clubs, organizations, sports teams, the work place, etc., because of race, religion, national origin, gender, or sexual orientation is being viewed as not” politically correct.” Refusal to rent a dwelling to a homosexual or lesbian, or…

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Look & Live

If you received a deadly snake bite, what would you do, submit to the prescribed treatment or question and doubt it? Would you first have to have all of your medical questions answered about the treatment? Would you rely on your own ability to provide the needed cure? Or would you do what common sense tells you to do, realize that you are in a serious condition and about to die, and without further delay accept the offered cure for what it is, the only remedy, your only hope. . . . ————————————- This tract is available for a contribution…

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Life’s Cross Road

If a traveler were to go on a long trip, he would watch for the highway signs that marked the route and direction. Every now and then he may come to a town, and the place where a decision is required. The town has a road that goes through it, and a by-pass that goes around it. As the driver approaches the town, he must decide what he wants to do. He must decide whether or not he wants to go through the town and bear all the grief that goes along with being in a strange town, or he…

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Hey Teenager!

Wait a minute! I know that you are in a hurry to go somewhere, but could you slow down long enough to give me about three minutes of your time? Teenagers seem to be so busy much of the time – always in a hurry to go somewhere or do something, and that’s what I’d like to talk to you about, just for a moment. Perhaps you are not aware of it, but as you hurry to go somewhere in life, there are those who, under the disguise of “friend”, would seek to lead you astray. You may say, “Come…

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