The Beginning of Sin


SKU: 82263 Category:


This tract begins with the following:

Any reasonable person will acknowledge the fact that sin does exist in the world. If the question were asked, “What is sin?” a likely response would be murder, robbery, rape, lying and, all those answers would be correct. If the question were asked, “When did sin begin?” many people, if not most, would not be able to answer. So, exactly when did sin begin? For the answer to this we must turn to God’s Word, the Bible and consider a few important points.

The Beginning of Sin: When God created the world and the first human, a man called Adam, God gave a very specific command. Speaking of all the edible things that were created, God told Adam, “And the LORD God commanded the man, saying,. . . .

This is a 6-page tract that requires a double fold.

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