Are You Thirsty?


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This is an excerpt from this tract:

Normally when people say they are thirsty, we automatically presume that they need and want a liquid beverage to quench the thirst. Although that would be a reasonable presumption, to have a thirst or to be thirsty does not stop there. Here are a few ways this may be applied.

For “thirst” there may be a thirst for happiness, a thirst for praise, a thirst for knowledge, a thirst for wealth, a thirst for almost anything – you name it! For “thirsty” as one dictionary defines it, it means, “to have a vehement desire for anything.”

It should not be surprising that many people go through life “thirsty,” they have a great desire for something, but they are not sure what it is, and, for that reason, they bounce from one thing to another. For some people, they try to find it in alcohol, work, travel, sex, etc. In the end when it’s all over and, shall we say, the dust settles, their thirst remains. There are those who turn from one religion to another only to be disappointed that that did not quench the thirst they had. In other words, the thirst remained because they were not contented. To be contented is an adjective and it means to be satisfied; quiet; easy in mind; not complaining, opposing or demanding more.

There is such a thing as a spiritual thirst and for this people will turn to. . .

This is a 4-page tract.

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