“You come from all walks of life and backgrounds. Some of you may be of Caucasian, Negro, Latino, American Native, or Oriental heritage. You may have a High School diploma, college degree, or just a GED and your neighborhood may have been in a city, a small town, or wide open country. You may be an enlisted person or an officer, prior service who rejoined, one with time under your belt or just a new recruit. Your service time may be a military career or just for a specified amount of time. None of this is really important but what is important is that you are a member of the Armed Forces of the United States, the greatest nation on the face of planet earth. As a member of our Armed Forces you help to defend our country and preserve its freedom, a freedom that was hard fought for and has not come cheaply. Many people just like you have bled and died for America; we owe them a great debt for their service and sacrifice; we owe you our gratitude for your service now.”

The above is the opening paragraph from the Gospel tract, “An Armed Forces Message,” a tract is designed specifically for members of the American armed forces. The tract is 6 pages and on each page is a screened image for each branch of service. So often me meet members of our armed forces and when we do, we should thank them for their service to our great country. This tract, “An Armed Forces Message” will catch their attention because of the way it was written and designed.

An Armed Forces Message is available from Pilgrim Fundamental Baptist Press for a gift of $2.00 per 100 copies, plus postage.