The Deadline


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In life there are many instances or situations where a deadline is applied. Normally speaking, a deadline is an absolute. The word “absolute” as an adjective means “not qualified or diminished in any way; total.” The word “deadline” is a noun and is defined as “a time or date before which a particular task must be finished, or a particular thing must be done.” The mindset of many if not most people is that there is no such thing as an “absolute.” If they are told that a particular task has a deadline, the deadline is not regarded as an “absolute” because, to their way of thinking, there must be a way around it. If we were honest with ourselves, we would admit that we have all been guilty of this thinking. Sometimes but not always, there may be an exception to the deadline because of exceptional circumstances. When a notice is given about a deadline that has been set, a wise person will give diligence to it and be prepared. For example, when a bank posts its hours of operation, it would be foolish for a customer to expect to do business at it after it has closed. The same may be said of any business because the hours of operation are deadlines. For a moment think about something that had a deadline affixed to it and for whatever reason, you missed the deadline. How did you feel about missing the deadline; were you happy or sad? None of us like to pay taxes, but we do. However, we like it even less if the tax payment deadline is missed and a penalty tax is applied. For some deadlines that may be missed, a period of grace may be given, but that would be the exception because, as mentioned earlier, a deadline is an absolute.

There is one deadline that is absolute, and it cannot and will not be circumvented by anyone for any reason. What is that deadline?

This is a 6-page tract.

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