“IN ancient times one of the most horrible metods of execution known to man was crucifixion on a cross. Victims were known to
endure the agony of the cross for hours and in some cases, days, before dying. To die on a cross was a shame, for the Bible says, “…: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree.” (Gal. 3:13b)

“ALL crosses were instruments of death, but not all were the same. Of all the crosses, history records that one was destined to be
different. Perhaps the carpenter who made it did not realize that this particular one would become famous – but God knew! It stood on a hill, outside of the city; a place away from the populace, a place of death. It had been borne there by a man under orders from the Roman army, a man who was just passing through.

“THE “criminal” was brought to the cross and had his hands and feet nailed to it by the Roman soldiers. The pain that was endured by this “criminal” had never before been known to man, nor has it since. After approximately three hours this “criminal” died, after which a spear was thrust into his side to leave no doubt of death. The blood from the hands, feet, and wounded side of this “criminal” has not been washed from the cross with the tide of time. You see, my friend, this was not just an ordinary cross and an ordinary man. Please allow me to explain.”

This is just a portion of the Gospel tract, “The Cross” which is available from Pilgrim Fundamental Baptist Press. This tract is available for a contribution of $1.00 per 100 copies, plus postage. We have it in the following languages: English, Portuguese, Russian, Romanian.