It’s Your Responsibility


SKU: 97554 Category:


A meal was prepared, and you were invited to eat it but for whatever reason, you chose not to, and you were hungry as you walked away. Whose fault was it that you left hungry? Was it the fault of the one who prepared the meal and invited you to eat or was it your fault for refusing to eat?

There is a true saying that goes something like this: “You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink.” If the horse refuses to drink the water and ends up dying of thirst, who is at fault?

In the realm of religion, a pastor stands behind the sacred desk and preaches the gospel of Jesus Christ. He does so, he explains that everyone is born with a sinful nature and that the wage of sin is death {Romans 6:23}. He goes on to explain that every person, regardless of what religion he may adhere to, regardless that he may have been baptized or are a church member, benevolent works, outstanding moral life, etc., unless he has truly repented of sin and trusted Jesus Christ as Saviour, when he dies, he will go to hell for eternity. As he preaches, he pleads for lost people [those who have never been born again – trusted Jesus Christ as Saviour] to repent of sin and to trust Jesus Christ as Saviour. He explains that their sin debt has been paid in full, that that was done when Jesus shed His innocent blood on the Cross of Calvary and died. [1 Peter 1:18-19] When He did that,. . .

This is a 4-page tract.

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