Comfort and Encouragement for Christians


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Writing about comfort and encouragement for Christians is like going on a journey and everywhere along the way there is something to stop and look at, something to be studied in an attempt to fully comprehend it. Before long, it is realized that impossible means just that; it cannot be done. However, even with that which seems impossible, there is much that may be learned, especially when viewed from a perspective that others may not have taken and such has been the case with this book. In an attempt to help readers understand what is behind the title of this book, let’s first consider the definition for “comfort” and “encouragement.” Strangely, some people may not know the definitions. These definitions are taken from Webster’s Dictionary 1828.

Comfort: To strengthen attempted the practice of law but found little encouragement The fine arts find little encouragement among a rude people.

It is the desire of this writer that the reader will find comfort and encouragement in the following pages as various people and events are considered.

the mind when depressed or enfeebled; to console; to give new vigor to the spirits; to cheer, or relieve from depression, or trouble.

Encouragement: noun The act of giving courage, or confidence of success; incitement to action or to practice; incentive. We ought never to neglect the encouragement of youth in generous deeds. The praise of good men serves as an encouragement of virtue and heroism.

  1. That which serves to incite, support, promote or advance, as favor, countenance, rewards, profit. A young man

This is a 120-page book.

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