Children Without A Birthday


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This tract deals with the subject of abortion, the murder of unborn children. The following is an excerpt from the beginning of the tract.

Perhaps one of the saddest things to learn about is children without a birthday. The word “children” is the plural of “child” and there is a misunderstanding of who or what a child is. As defined by Merriam-Webster Dictionary, a child is “an unborn or recently born person.” The life of a child begins at conception and the legal definition of conception is “the formation of an entity by the union of a human sperm and ovum, resulting in a pregnancy.” In other words, a human being was formed at conception and the female was now pregnant and “Pregnancy is when a baby develops in a woman’s uterus.” The fact of the matter is that a woman who is pregnant is with child. In God’s Word, the Bible, much is said about children before they are born.

This is a 6-page tract.

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