This is an excerpt from the book “Introduction”
Wisdom is something that all of us need and we are never too old to think we do not need it. It is a sad day when people have so much education that they think they have arrived, that they know it all. They are highly skilled in what they do, but that does not mean they have wisdom. They may be able to perform great feats in various sports, racing, Olympic events, or even as musicians, but that does not mean they have wisdom. When it comes to public speaking, they may be a great orator that enthralls the listeners, but that does not mean they have wisdom. Those of wealth are often put on pedestals of sorts and praised for what they have done, but that does not mean they have wisdom. Having charisma or an outgoing personality does not mean a person has wisdom. We read in Scripture about a man who was poor and, likely, people turned up their noses at him because of his station in life. The city where he lived was small and it came under attack by a powerful king and the situation did not look good. We do not know what city this was because it is not named. The powerful king is not named nor is the poor man. All we know about this is what Scripture briefly says, and that is, “There was a little city, and few men within it; and there came a great king against it, and besieged it, and built great bulwarks against it: Now there was found in it a poor wise man, and he by his wisdom delivered the city; yet no man remembered that same poor man.” {Ecclesiastes 9:14-15} Great sermons [empowered by God’s Holy Spirit] may be preached on this text but for now, we learn that wisdom may be available and found from a person least expected.
In our study of the wisdom of God there is a wealth of information to be gleaned and much learning to be had. Well, at least this writer learned a few things that revealed how much he does not know. The more we read Scripture, the more we learn that we do not know as much as we thought we did, because Scripture is fathomless, and it constantly reveals things to us in a new light. We can read a passage of Scripture one hundred times and, can, for the one hundred and first time, the Holy Spirit sheds light on something that has always been there, but now we see it in a new light. The Bible, God’s Word, is an amazing Book and in this study of the wisdom of God it is this writer’s prayer that the reader will be encouraged and challenged by it.
Wisdom, true wisdom will impress people to be obedient to God’s Word even if they do not fully understand it. This becomes especially true when the Lord, through the Holy Spirit, puts something in our heart. It may be something to say, do, or go. When God gives a command, He expects it to be obeyed in its entirety. Sadly, we, speaking of Christians, are not always obedient, so the Lord has to chastise us. The employment of wisdom would tell us that we need to pay attention to what God says and then to be obedient and not try to make an excuse for our disobedience. . . . .
This is a 200-page book