This tract is based on 2 Peter 3:10: “But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night;” and the first paragraph reads as follows:
Normally a thief does not give an advanced notice but strikes when least expected. When a thief does strike, it could be any time of day or night and the victim is unaware of the pending strike. A thief is a thief and is always on the prowl looking for the next victim. Some thieves even make elaborate plans and in those plans are the date, day, and time of the strike. Now ask yourself this question: “What would the intended victim do if he knew of the when, where, and how of the thief’s intended strike?” With information in hand, do you think the impending victim would be foolish to completely ignore it? Would the impending victim be wise to take corrective measures and be prepared in advance? What do you think?
This is a 6-page tract.