Why we have to request a contribution for literature
For 13 years this ministry offered its literature free as the Lord provided, and it was postpaid. In May of 2007 the ministry began to charge for the actual postage incurred for sending orders. Typically, the customer was not invoiced for postage less than $2. Of the customers that were invoiced for postage, less than 2% chose to honor the invoice with their payment. In order to maintain this ministry and to be a good steward of what the Lord has given us, the ministry had to make some changes. As much as Pilgrim Fundamental Baptist Press, Inc. did not want to, it became necessary to change how it did business. Even though PFBP is a ministry and it functions as such, it must also operate with the efficiency of a business.
Normally when a literature order is placed, the print shop will receive an e-mail notice. The postage for the literature is calculated from the USPS web site. The postage is then added to the order total and the customer is notified by return e-mail of the total cost and how to make a contribution using Pay Pal or for sending a check. Once the contribution has been received the order is then processed and mailed. It is important for customers to understand that, of the contribution price requested, the ministry has not factored in any cost for packaging material or shipping labels; the ministry absorbs this expense.
This ministry does not seek to make a profit; it seeks only to remain solvent. Any profit that may be realized goes back into the ministry to cover its overhead and for missionary projects. The printer does not receive a paycheck from the ministry; he is a missionary and raises his own personal support just like any other missionary. From time to time someone may send a gift to the printer; in turn this forwarded to the mission board that processes his personal support. This is done for proper accountability.
On December 7, 2010 the ministry was informed by the local post office that the US postal department had tightened the guidelines for what packages can be sent as “media mail.” In short, the booklets that this ministry produces qualifies for mailing as “media mail” at a reduced rate. The Gospel tracts must be mailed as first class, standard post, or as priority mail using the flat rate priority mail boxes or envelope.
It is important for people to understand that this is a missionary printing ministry and, as such, it depends on the prayers and financial support to sustain it. We are not interested in making money; we only want to cover our costs while generating good gospel literature for the salvation of lost souls and for the glory of our Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ.