“AMERICA PRENT!”is a tract that was written to call America back to God; the tract is based on 2 Chronicles 7:14. Given the situation in America, the country NEEDS to as never before to be awakened and return to God. Here are a few lines from this tract: “Today in the United States of America we find ourselves at an all-time low. We, as a nation have sunken to an all time moral low and, just when we think the morals of America have hit bottom, the anti-God crowd begins to dig deeper.  We as a nation no longer wield the spiritual influence as in days gone by. The very Constitution upon which this country was founded has been, and is being, rendered null by the un-American and ungodly forces around us. Our schools have been saturated with a humanistic philosophy which, in turn, is taught to our young people. It is a philosophy which teaches children that they are not evil in nature, that there is no God that they have rights in spite of what their parents or the Bible says. Television programs are filled with sex, violence, and mocking of God. Men and women dress in a very immodest manner. Rock music has destroyed all sense of morals. AMERICA IS IN SERIOUS TROUBLE WITH GOD!”

Make no mistake about it, this tract will NOT be popular with some people however, if America does turn back to God, then America is doomed. With Independence Day fast approaching, this would be a good tract to pass out at the different events that will be taking place. Orders may be placed on the ministry web site.