{Opening paragraphs from the English version:}
Religion, as defined by the Merriam-Webster dictionary, is [1] the service and worship of God or the supernatural [2] commitment or devotion to religious faith or observance [3] a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices.
There is an estimated 10,000 dominate religions in the world and, quite possibly, many more non-dominate religions we have never heard of. So many religions and so many religious people! So many religions and so many religiously deceived people; they have their religion but, their religion, cannot forgive their sin and give them eternal life.
The Apostle Paul was in Athens where he went to a place called Areopagus, Mars’ Hill. It was a place almost in the center of the city where the supreme judges of Athens would assemble. Here, on this hill, Paul said, “…Ye men of Athens, I perceive that in all things ye are too superstitious.” [religious] {Acts 17:22} Here they had so many religions and, being so religious, they even had an altar [more of a monument] to an unknown god for fear that they may have inadvertently missed one. Seizing upon this unknown god, Paul began to explain who the TRUE God was as he told about Jesus Christ who is God the Son. Years have passed by, people have come and gone, a few old religions have since ceased while new religions have emerged. All these religions have one thing in common – they are all false and leading people down a primrose path to a Devil’s hell.
This is a 6-page tract!
The Telugu version was translated using the Google language translator. A notice was posted on Facebook requesting assistance with this tract to verify the accuracy of the translation. With no response from anyone, we decided to proceed with the publication.