LA Pandemia Mundial {THE Worldwide Pandemic}


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The following is an English excerpt followed by the Spanish translation from this 6-page tract:

English: The definition of “pandemic” is an incident to a whole people. The wording of what a pandemic is varies from one dictionary to another and according to who writes it. However, the consensus is that it is something worldwide and that no one is totally immune to it. When there is a pandemic, the attitude and response of people will differ with some going to extremes to protect themselves, some taking minimal precaution, and others totally ignoring it. To pretend that there is not a serious problem is foolish, especially when people are dying from it. What is even more foolish is when there is a cure that only a few will take advantage of. The cost of the cure is free to those who accept it. Despite this, so many are determined to try and do something to earn it. Sadly, more times than not, these people learn too late that they could not earn enough to pay for it. What is even more foolish is that they try to produce their own cure even though they are not qualified to do so. The pandemic you have been reading about affects you whether you know it or not, whether you understand it or not. This pandemic is sin and it as old as time and it began in the Garden of Eden with a man named Adam. . . .

Spanish: La definición de “pandemia” es un incidente para todo un pueblo. La redacción de lo que es una pandemia varía de un diccionario a otro y según quién lo escribe. Sin embargo, el consenso es que es algo a nivel mundial y que nadie es totalmente inmune a ello. Cuando hay una pandemia, la actitud y la respuesta de las personas serán diferentes: algunas se van a los extremos para protegerse, algunas toman las precauciones mínimas y otras las ignoran por completo. Fingir que no existe un problema grave es un error, especialmente cuando la gente está muriendo a causa de él. Lo que es aún peor es cuando existe una cura y que solo unos pocos lo aprovechan. El costo de la cura es gratuito para quienes la aceptan. A pesar de esto, muchos están decididos a intentar hacer algo para ganárselo. Lamentablemente, la mayoría de las veces, estas personas aprenden demasiado tarde que no podrían ganar lo suficiente para pagarlo. Lo que es aún más necio es que intentan producir su propia cura aunque no estén calificados para hacerlo. La pandemia sobre la que ha estado leyendo le afecta, lo sepa o no, lo comprenda o no. Esa pandemia es el pecado y es tan antigua como el tiempo y comenzó en el Jardín del Edén con un hombre llamado Adán. . . .

As with all of our Spanish literature, all Scripture references are from the RV1865.

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